Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Baking and Patisserie Field Trip

As part of the curriculum, our TVET students attend a field trip.  The Baking and Patisserie classes visited Bakewell in Lami Town for this event. We took two different days and two different groups.  The students love these classes. Our teacher is new this year and doing a marvelous job--Sister Ifa Konataci. She is the one that had twins during the break!

Waiting for the van to load.....                                       Sister Konataci.......

Cute hats!

Ed and the owner..

Does he look mean? or what? Just teasing one of the students as they are making their way to the van :)

The owner of Bakewell is planning on 16 bakery shops on just our island. That will give our students job opportunities if they are interested. The product he offers is very good! It was a great place to have a field trip and learn.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Deckers and Pacific Harbor

Robert and Paula Decker from Iowa are one of our newest senior couples; they serve out at the college also. One Saturday, we drove to Pacific Harbor for lunch at our most favorite hamburger spot on the island--bar none! Then we explored the area with them. We were able to spend leisure time and get better time!

Notice the red trunk of these trees. Shopped a moment at the small shops by the restaurant

Friday, March 21, 2014

2014 Merit Dance

We have a new program at the school to enhance good behavior and other strong qualities. When a student is seen doing a good thing or performs well, the faculty can award them a mini-merit. These mini-merits add up and if the student accummulates twenty, they are awarded the opportunity of attending this dance.

 They love to dress up -- look at these heels!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rugby 7's

The college hosted the Rugby 7's event for our zone. Called such as the periods are seven minutes long. Their were about eight teams involved. We are gradually learning the different rugby rules. When they make a goal, they call it a "try".... see how our interpretation of words can differ.

Ready for the games to begin!

Two of the teams. The blue team is one of ours.

A scrum!

Playing the game! Rough, tough game!

Faculty and other adults became involved in kicking! Some very good at it! They were probably rugby players in their youth.