Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin Party 2014

Carving pumpkins has always being a tradition in our family; therefore, it only came natural to have a party here in Fiji. We invited whomever could drop by of our Senior Couple Missionaries. Lots of examples were posted on the refrigerator.....

Choosing and getting started are Sister Newsome, Sister Linburg and the Deckers...

Lots of visiting and we did have treats!!

Another fun evening shared with friends!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

McGoons' Lagoon

Meeting in the parking lot of the Mission Office Complex....a time for another Senior Outing! The weather wasn't promising; but decided to go anyway!

South towards Pacific Harbor...quick turn off...along a narrow road to the McGoons' family property by the ocean.....

One group of Seniors went out in a fishing boat (the weather prohibited any more of us going out); some played games with the local boys; most of us watched as the ladies were making the roti for our lunches! And we enjoyed some even before they treated us with a Casava Cake!

A great day of getting to know the people and relaxing!

The Meal!!

We need to go back in better weather! Everyone treated us so special----Good Outing!!